Christian Posta bio photo

Christian Posta

Field CTO at, author Istio in Action and Microservices for Java Developers, open-source enthusiast, cloud application development, committer @ Apache, Serverless, Cloud, Integration, Kubernetes, Docker, Istio, Envoy #blogger

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About me

Christian Posta (@christianposta) is a Field CTO at with 15+ years of experience building and designing highly scalable, resilient, distributed systems. If you have met him, feel free to connect on LinkedIn: He is currently writing “Istio in Action” for Manning and authored “Microservices for Java Developers” for O’Reilly in 2016.

You can find Christian working on open-source projects like Kubernetes, Envoy Proxy, Istio Service Mesh, and others.

Christian writes on a popular blog (35K+ views per month) at as well as top developer communities like,, InfoQ and others . Lastly, you can catch him mentoring, training, and leading teams to be successful with distributed-systems concepts, devops, serverless and cloud-native application design, or speaking at top technology conferences like Devoxx, O’Reilly SACONF, OSCON, KubeCon, or Craft Conf.


I enjoy talking about the technology that I work with and the solutions that I work on. You can find me talking about the latest trends in cloud computing, microservices, integration, open-source, and design at many of the top developer conferences and regional user groups.

Upcoming speaking engagements (2019)

Archived/Older talks:

How to find me

Find me on twitter (@christianposta), Google (+christianposta), on IRC at or freenode as ceposta