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Christian Posta

Field CTO at, author Istio in Action and Microservices for Java Developers, open-source enthusiast, cloud application development, committer @ Apache, Serverless, Cloud, Integration, Kubernetes, Docker, Istio, Envoy #blogger

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Interested in the JBoss Fuse technolgoies, or the new Fabric8 open-source community?

Wanna meet James Strachan (Creator, HawtIO, Camel, [Groovy][groovy][/groovy]), Hiram Chirino (Creator ActiveMQ, Apollo), Claus Ibsen (Author Camel in Action, Core committer Apache Camel), Scott Cranton (recent author Apache Camel Developer's Cookbook)?

Well, here's your chance! Sign up soon using (code DN50PEROFF) for 50% off the conference full price.

Join me at DevNation this year (April 13th - April 17th at the Moscone Center, San Francisco) for the Fuse track, then dig into presentations about Docker, OpenShift, Vert.x, as well as presentations from the Heads of OpenSource at Facebook, Netflix, Twitter, Eclipse, Square and others!

If you can make it for Sunday, my talk on "Simplifying your integrations with Apache Camel" is at 4p. After that, I'll see you for some beer.

Here are a handful of the presentations I'm interested in (Note, this is a small subset.. there are tons more.. check it out the agenda at

(Sunday 13th, 1p-2p) Integration PaaS: Continuous Integration with Fabric8 and OpenShift - Rob Davies & James Strachan (Room 236)

(Sunday 13th, 2p-3p) Intro to Fabric8 - Ioannis Canellos & James Strachan (Room 224)

(Sunday 13th, 3p-4p) Fabric8 deep dive - Ioannis Canellos & James Strachan (Room 224)

(Sunday 13th, 4p-5p) OSGi made easy - Scott England-Sullivan (Room 224)

(Monday 14th, 10:15a-11:15) How Netflix Uses Devops for Reliability and Developer Velocity - Jeremy Edberg (Room 212)

(Monday 14th, 11:30a-12:30) How Facebook does open source at scale - James Pearce (Room 212)

(Monday 14th, 11:30a-12:30) Getting Social with Apache Camel - Charles Moulliard (Room 236)

(Monday 14th, 2:45p-3:45p) Hadoop and beyond: architectural considerations for scalable big data storage - Scott McClellan (Room 224)

(Tuesday 15th, 10:40a-11:40) Apache Camel in the cloud - James Strachan (Room 208)

(Tuesday 15th, 1:20p-2:20) Secure Linux containers or 'Dockah, Dockah, Dockah' - Dan Walsh (Room 212)

(Tuesday 15th, 2:30p-3:30) Containers all the way down: Q&A with the Docker team. Solomon Hykes, Docker (Room 208)

(Tuesday 15th, 4:50p-5:50) Linux distros failed us — now what? Coping with cloud, DevOps, and more - Donnie Berkholz RedMonk (Room 228)

(Wednesday 16th, 10:40a-11:40) hawtio: the extensible console for managing your Java stuff - Stan Lewis (Room 220)

(Wednesday 16th, 1:20p-2:20) Using Red Hat JBoss Fuse on OpenShift - Jack Britton, Kenny Peeples (Room 208)

(Wednesday 16th, 3:40-4:40p) Let's ship your running code with Docker - Vincent Batts (Room 224)