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Christian Posta

Field CTO at, author Istio in Action and Microservices for Java Developers, open-source enthusiast, cloud application development, committer @ Apache, Serverless, Cloud, Integration, Kubernetes, Docker, Istio, Envoy #blogger

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I just finished my talk at DevNation on Simplifying your integrations with Apache Camel. You can find the slides here:

Simplify integrations-final-pdf from ceposta

It went great, and if you're (or were) at the DevNation conference you probably got to see a lot of the new awesomeness from the Fabric8 team.

If you didn't make it to the conference, or missed my talk, well you're in luck; I've webcasted my slides as well as my demo.

If you're familiar with Camel, maybe you can just skip the slides and take a look at my demo.

Awesome Demo!

The demo is really cool and shows how to go from scratch (nothing) to a fully deployed project on Fuse with fault-tolerant/highly-available messaging, scalability, flexibility, and logging/debugging/tracing. It's really pretty fantastic technology (components made up from Camel, [ActiveMQ][activemq], HawtIO and Fabric8), and I highly recommend you take a look at the video (~35min) and download JBoss Fuse and try it out.



My DevNation Demo: Fault tolerant, highly available, flexible, debuggable Camel integrations from Christian Posta on Vimeo.



Simplify your integrations with Camel and Fuse from Christian Posta on Vimeo.