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Christian Posta

Field CTO at, author Istio in Action and Microservices for Java Developers, open-source enthusiast, cloud application development, committer @ Apache, Serverless, Cloud, Integration, Kubernetes, Docker, Istio, Envoy #blogger

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Most Recent Posts (last 15) See all of them

A Gentle Introduction to LLMs for Platform Engineers

Things change quickly in the land of technology. AI is the “hot” thing. I feel for the platform engineers out there struggling with technologies like Docker, Kubernetes, Prometheus, Istio, ArgoCD, Zipkin, Backsta...

Does Platform Engineering Solve the People Problem

Platform engineering has emerged recently in part because organizations recognize the value in improving developer experience and the need to improve app developer delivery speed. And in typical organizational fa...

Understanding Istio Telemetry v2

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged, and just like other posts in the past, this one is meant as a way to dig into something and for me to catalog my own thoughts for later. While digging into some issues for so...

Diving Into Istio 1.6 Certificate Rotation

Istio is a powerful service mesh built on Envoy Proxy that solves the problem of connecting services deployed in cloud infrastructure (like Kubernetes) and do so in a secure, resilient, and observable way. Istio’...

Do I Need an API Gateway if I Use a Service Mesh?

This post may not be able to break through the noise around API Gateways and Service Mesh. However, it’s 2020 and there is still abundant confusion around these topics. I have chosen to write this to help bring r...

Istio as an Example of When Not to Do Microservices

I’ve been pretty invested in helping organizations with their cloud-native journeys for the last five years. Modernizing and improving a team (and eventually an organization’s) velocity to deliver software-based ...

Moving the Service-mesh Community Forward

Service mesh is an important set of capabilities that solve some difficult service-to-service communication challenges when operating a services-style architecture. Just as Kubernetes and containers helped to pro...

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The Hardest Part About Microservices: Your Data

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4-day Docker and Kubernetes Training

I just delivered a 4-day deep-dive training course on Docker and Kubernetes to a customer in Atlanta. In true open-source spirit, I’d like to publish the source/slides and allow other people to benefit from it an...

Blue-green Deployments, A/B Testing, and Canary Releases

A lot of teams I talk to recently are very interested in “DevOps” (whatever that means… seems to mean different things to different people?) and when we sit down and talk about what that really means, the directi...