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Christian Posta

Field CTO at, author Istio in Action and Microservices for Java Developers, open-source enthusiast, cloud application development, committer @ Apache, Serverless, Cloud, Integration, Kubernetes, Docker, Istio, Envoy #blogger

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4 Learnings From Load Testing LLMs

The way LLMs run in Kubernetes is quite a bit different than running web apps or APIs. Recently I was digging into the benefits of the Inference Extensions f...

Simple Intro to AutoGen AssistantAgent

Recently, I’ve been building AI agents to help automate some parts of my workflow such as deep, meaningful technical research to contribute to technical mate...



Understanding Istio Telemetry v2

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged, and just like other posts in the past, this one is meant as a way to dig into something and for me to catalog my own th...



New Adventure Starts at

In 2019, I’m joining as Field CTO to build and grow a company that creates developer tools and infrastructure to help organizations build their softw...


Moving on From Red Hat

This week before the Christmas break is my last week at Red Hat, the company I’ve been with for the last 6.5 years. Actually, I joined a small start up close...


Deep Dive Envoy and Istio Workshop

Just getting back from KubeCon 2017 and I can tell you the excitement about Istio and service mesh in general is through the roof! There were lots of talks a...

About When Not to Do Microservices

Quick interlude to my last blog. As part of my last blog on low-risk monolith to microservice architecture, I made this statement about microservices and not...


Message Durability in ActiveMQ 5.x

I get asked quite a bit to explain the basics of how ActiveMQ works with respect to how it stores messages (or doesn’t in some cases). Here’s the high level ...


DevOps and the Myth of Efficiency, Part I

This post is for those of you working in large companies or “enterprises” and are exploring what “DevOps” really means and why you’re struggling with it. I’v...

Using Spring-data With Apache Camel

Spring Data saves you a lot of time by creating smart DAOs that you can basically get for free without writing any code. It basically follows the Repository ...

Quick Go-lang for Java Developers

Golang seems to be getting quite popular as its the programming language of choice for some cool new technology like Docker, Kubernetes, and OpenShift. Lucki...

4-day Docker and Kubernetes Training

I just delivered a 4-day deep-dive training course on Docker and Kubernetes to a customer in Atlanta. In true open-source spirit, I’d like to publish the sou...

Microservices Day in NYC

Everyone wants to talk about microservices. Everyone even wants to do them, although they’re not really sure how – Martin Fowler’s initial write up left more...

Microservices for Enterprises Part I

Technology is the foundation of differentiation whether you’re a large enterprise or the small startup. If businesses fail to embrace that fact, they run the...

See You at DevNexus in Atlanta!

Next week I’ll be giving a talk at the DevNexus conference in Atlanta. AFAIK the event is sold out, so for those going, look forward to meeting you!

The Cost of Code Reuse Abuse

Oddly enough, while I’m sleeping or in some zombie state while attempting to sleep, I often feel like the ideas I have while in that state are the best thing...

Very fast Camels and Cloud Messaging

Apache Camel is a popular, mature, open-source integration library. It implements the Enterprise Integration Patterns which is a set of patterns that often c...

You're not going to do Microservices

Seems like every 5 to 10 years our industry, especially in the Enterprise Integration, or enterprise application space, we get introduced to some new methodo...


HawtIO on JBoss EAP (Part II)

I just posted an entry on running HawtIO on JBoss Wildfly 8.1 recently. From that post you know how awesome HawtIO is, and all of the cool plugins it has to ...

Camel on JBoss EAP with Custom Modules

Apache Camel -- the best open source integration library Apache Camel is an awesome, open-source, integration library that can be used as the backbone of an ...

JBoss Fuse DevOps Demo -- step by step

I recently did a step-by-step demo on using Fabric8 or JBoss Fuse with an emphasis on DevOps. For those of you who aren't familiar with Fabric8, check out th...

Fabric8 HTTP Gateway

I recently put together a quick Github project to show the Fabric8 HTTP gateway in action. It shows a sample project that you can use to test out the HTTP Ga...


JBoss Fuse 6.1 + HawtIO Part I

It's Open Source! JBoss Fuse is an open-source ESB and is the evolution of Fuse ESB after the Red Hat acquisition of FuseSource. It's open-source, Apache v2 ...

50% off PackT books!

This week you can get 50% off PackT Publishing books! There are a couple new Apache Camel Books released that you may wish to take a look at: Instant Apache ...

New features in ActiveMQ 5.9!

So ActiveMQ 5.9 is due out from the community any day now! I just did a talk at the local Phoenix JUG about it, and did some live demos of some of the new fe...

HawtIO + ActiveMQ

Have you had a chance to take a look at HawtIO yet? If you haven't, it's a new web-based dashboard for managing and monitoring JVM-based services like Apache...

Successful CamelOne 2013!

Thanks to all that came out to Camel One in Boston this year! I had a great time, my presentation went well, and there were some other great talks! I believe...

New ActiveMQ Book just released!

I recently had the pleasure of reviewing Tim Bish's new book Instant Apache ActiveMQ Messaging: Application Development How-To and wanted to share some thou...

Join me at CamelOne this June!

For the past couple of years, FuseSource has held CamelOne, an annual conference specifically geared toward the open-source messaging and integration commun...

Lean distribution of ActiveMQ

I saw a question on the mailing list asking for a simple, stripped-down, version of ActiveMQ. The default version 5.7.0 distribution and all of its runtime d...

Camel Essential Components Webinar

On January 23rd, I will be giving a live webinar about Camel! I recently completed a DZone RefCard on essential camel components that will be published next ...


Apache Apollo REST API

Apache Apollo is a next-generation, high-performance, multi-protocol messaging broker built from the ground up to one day be a drop-in replacement of ActiveM...

ActiveMQ: Understanding Memory Usage

As indicated by some recent mailing list emails and a lot of info returned from Google, ActiveMQ's SystemUsage and particularly the MemoryUsage functionality...

Introducing Apache Apollo: Part I

See Part II here Apache Apollo is the next-generation version of ActiveMQ built "from the ground up" on a core designed to be faster and scale better on mul...

Recap from CamelOne 2012

I just got back from CamelOne which was earlier this week in the beautiful city of Boston, MA. It was quite the experience; definitely one of the best techni...

Why I'm excited to attend Camel One

I'll be attending CamelOne this year, and I'm pretty excited. I didn't make it to the event last year, but judging by the speaker line up and the presentatio...

Maven, M2_HOME, and IntelliJ on a Mac

Apparently, even if you put your environment variables into your .profile, IntelliJ won't pick it up. Which makes sense since .profile is for setting your sh...

Mixins in Python

In Python, mixins allow a programmer to package a set of clearly defined and cohesive methods into a unit that can then be used to add functionality to other...

Programming without a call stack?

Over the weekend I read an excellent essay called “Programming Without a Call Stack - Event-driven Architectures” by Gregor Hohpe that does an excellent job ...

What is Spring Integration?

As the Spring Integration project slowly gains more adoption and interest, developers in the enterprise integration or enterprise development space will most...


What is ActiveMQ?

Although the Active MQ website already gives a pithy, to-the-point explanation of ActiveMQ, I would like to add some more context to their definition. From ...

The code is the design!

I recently stumbled upon an essay that I've read many times in the past.  I didn't have it bookmarked on this newer laptop, so after doing so I also decided ...

Being a better enterprise architect

Enterprise architects seem to become more and more involved in “trying out new things” or pushing down technology or implementation advice -- nay dictation -...


Design should never stop!

I was listening to a podcast today of Scott Hanselman interviewing Michael Feathers, the author of Working Effectively with Legacy Code. I'm currently readin...

Java static methods can be a code smell

Response to "How to Mock Static Methods" Definition of code smell (from Wikipedia): "any symptom in the source code of a program that possibly indicates ...


SOLID Object Oriented Design Principles

I am working on the next Ext-GWT blog, but in the interim, I would like to share an awesome podcast that I found at Scott Hanselman's blog. He interviews Rob...


Untangling GXT Store/Loader

The Ext-GWT (GXT) library uses a "loader-store" functionality to handle manipulating UI models (or domain objects) and binding them to GXT widgets. The Ext t...

Using Apache Maven with Ext-GWT (part I)

Apache Maven is a popular project-management tool that allows you to model your projects in XML and then streamline the development lifecycle by taking advan...